Friday, November 2, 2007


Write everyday.
Observe. A photo. A sketch. A clipping.
Write down where you've come from. Write down where you went, which will, in a few moments, be where you've come from.

Read. A passage. A script. A poem.
Write down what you've read. Write down what you are reading, because in a few moments, it will be what you've read.
On Directing: craft frees the artistic impulses.
Learn to shape moments. Have a gameplan based on 'succesful' forms/formulas.

Be eager to use and know the language of adaptation.

FRAME the action.
This is your lens, your point-of-view. This says to the audience, "here we go. This is how we're going about this journey. Everything hencforth will be in reference to 'this'."

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