Tuesday, October 14, 2008

DREAM five

Pronunciation: \drēm\ \fīv\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
1: an exercise I use to recall and record the five most memorable sensations from my night's dream -- compare rem sleep


1. There was a beautiful young man with dark hair who spoke French. We sat on a Terraced lawn overlooking the main avenue and the coast. I asked him what would be an appropriate gift for my hosts; he offered me several of the finest teas.

2. I did not recall the name of Todd's friend who lives with Danya. This seemed to upset her somewhat. It upset me most.

3. Two families with young children arrived at the house. They were just stopping by to take showers. This made me feel uncomfortable and cramped.

4. Something about a church and an election.

5. I was accused of leaking potentially destructive evidence about Barack Obama's character to The Economist.

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